school of myth & movement arts


 Embodiment of Myth.   Expressive dance into Nature Connection.  Isadora Duncan studies.  Sustainability education.  Wilderness.  Art. Myth














Dream Fellowship

Online program. Email to register.

“Dreamtime stories extend a universal and psychic consciousness not only to every living creature, but also to the earth and the primary elements, forces and principles.  Each component of creation acts out of dreams, desires, attractions and repulsions, just as we do.  Therefore, the entrance into the larger world of space, time, and universal energies is the same as the entrance into the inner world of consciousness and dreaming.”- Robert Lawlor, Voices of the First Day

The Dream Fellowship began as an online gathering space during the Covid years. It is a space for working with dreams, engaging with mythic story, and cultivating the collaborative skills needed to participate in our Dreaming universe. This is not a didactic course, but rather a forum for practicing skills.

Entering into a living sense of Myth and the Dreaming is not as simple as reading a book. Entrance requires collective, witnessed healing from aspects of our Western enculturation that are offensive to the Dreamtime.

Sustainable ancestral cultures prepare their people for engagement with the Dreaming through a participatory culture of festivity, ritual, dance, song, drama, story, and other forms of mythic activity.  This preparation acquaints a person with the collaborative/ quantum nature of the Dreamtime.

We take that voyage of preparatory discovery.